The Three Levels to Substance Use You Likely Didn't Know About

dependence substance use Mar 02, 2023

Although they are sometimes used synonymously, the terms "substance dependency" and "addiction" have distinct meanings. While addiction is a more comprehensive term that describes a person's physical and psychological dependency on a substance or behaviour, substance dependence refers to a person's physical reliance on a substance.


Different levels of risk exist when it comes to substance use.


Reasonable Use:

The definition of reasonable use is the use of a substance or behaviour (such as sex, porn, gambling or eating) in moderation and without interfering with one’s relationships and work or impacting negatively on one’s health.


Risky Use:

When a person begins to encounter unfavourable effects of their substance use or behaviours, such as issues at work or mistrust in relationships, or increased concerns from their loved ones, that person is engaging in risky use.


Restricting Use:

A habit of excessive, chronic substance use or acting out behaviours that is detrimental to a person's physical and mental health and is frequently accompanied by addiction is referred to as restricting use.


Restrictive substance use or acting out behaviours can have a significant negative influence on a person's relationships, employment, and career. It may result in absenteeism, subpar work output, and even job loss. Conflicts with family members and friends are just a few examples of how it can negatively impact interpersonal relationships. Restricted substance usage can also result in physical and mental health issues, which can further affect a person's capacity for employment and maintenance of important relationships.


It's crucial to remember that addiction and substance use concerns can be managed if considered proactive steps are taken quickly. An individual with an addiction concern can take back control of their lives. A first step towards recovery can be asking for expert assistance and support from trained therapists, support groups, and addiction treatment programs.


Additionally, it's critical for anyone living with an addiction to understand that addiction is not a sign of weakness. Irrespective of their career, social standing, or socioeconomic background, addiction can be experienced by anyone. Addiction recovery requires guidance from professionally trained individuals to overcome and is brought on by a confluence of social, biological, and psychological variables.


There are several levels of substance use and unhelpful behaviours , ranging from reasonable to restricting. It is imperative to note that substance dependence and addiction are not the same. Restrictive substance use can have a severe negative influence on one’s job regardless of their position, productivity, and relationships. However, it is possible to overcome addiction and take back control of one's life with the right professional guidance, strong support networks, and a robust dedication to recovery.